Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Network Missions has an annual budget of 10% of all funds given to GateWay Church. In 2019-2020, Network Missions invested $250,000 in Local, National, and International ministries. Our goal is to impact the world with the gospel of Christ.
Pastor Daniel Morales | Pastor in Cuba & Living Water Update
Daniel Lamb | Missionary in Bangkok
Wayne & Crystal McMaster | Penh Plan, Cambodia
Visalia Emergency Aid Council | Food Drive Mission
Missions & Missionaries Supported

Daniel & Katie Lamb
Daniel and Katie are facilitating church plants through developing leaders, discipleship and evangelism of Thais alongside Thais. They accomplish these things through many avenues such as cell groups, English, and relationship-building activities.

African Inland Missions
Shara Tanner, Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania
African Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa's peoples. We have our roots in a small band of faithful men and women wo, in 1895, ventured inland to reach Africans untouched by the gospel. Their vision set the course of AIM for over 120 years, as a community called and sent to live and minister among Africa's least-reached peoples. This call still remains.

Antioch Partners
Dustin & Sherri Ellington have served overseas since 2005, when they moved to Cairo, Egypt, with their two young sons for Dustin to teach New Testament at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC).

Aspire Network (GateWay’s Association of Churches)
Aspire is a developmental community rooted in theological integrity, defined by courage, and marked by the joy that comes from spiritual formation.

Awana Ministries
Awana is a world-wide nonprofit ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for ages 2-18. As the global leader in child and youth discipleship, Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus, no matter their background.

Camp Sugar Pine
Sugar Pine Christian Camps is comprised of 325 acres in the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains. They provide camping experiences and strive to impact lives for Christ
through exceptional camping experiences.
through exceptional camping experiences.

Care Pregnancy Center
Even when pregnancy is not in your plans, a decision needs to be made. Get the facts to make the decision that's best for you and your family.

Campus Crusade –
Darin & Kathy Dolson (Orlando, FL)
The purpose of Cru is to help to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others.

Child Evangelism Fellowship – Tulare County
The goal of CEF is to reach every child, in every neighborhood, throughout their service area. They have active ministry in over 120 schools with a goal to reach 10.000 children per year.

Crossworld Ministries
All professions. Making disciples. There’s nothing magical about the method. You might even call it ordinary. Just be who God made you to be and do what Jesus tasked you to do. The result? The world’s least-reached marketplaces will never be the same. And that’s extraordinary.

Convoy of Hope
Convoy of Hope is a faith-based organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children's feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response. In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world.

Excel Leadership Network (Church Planting & Minister Coaching)
Excel works with leaders to help plant churches and network church planting entities with church planters in order to do more together then we can do apart. They also provide training and long-term support for church planters, setting them up for health and success in ministry.

Gideons International
Gideons International is an evangelical Christian association founded in 1899 in Wisconsin. They are a body of believers dedicated to making the Word of God available to everyone and, together with the local church, reaching souls for Christ.

Gleanings for the Hungry
Mahammadjon Mamatkulov
Gleaning's vision is to feed the hungry of the world, both physically and spiritually. In 2015, with the help of thousands of volunteers, over 53 million servings of soup was produced and shipped to more than 30 different nations. It is very difficult to quantify all that God does at, and through, Gleanings, but we know that millions of lives are touched by this ministry every year as our product goes out to sustain lives and spread the Gospel of Christ, to the glory of God.
Gleaning's vision is to feed the hungry of the world, both physically and spiritually. In 2015, with the help of thousands of volunteers, over 53 million servings of soup was produced and shipped to more than 30 different nations. It is very difficult to quantify all that God does at, and through, Gleanings, but we know that millions of lives are touched by this ministry every year as our product goes out to sustain lives and spread the Gospel of Christ, to the glory of God.

Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry is the largest independent supplier of chaplains for jails and prisons worldwide, serving in 22 states, 1 American territory and 25 countries. Your gifts help Good News bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners. We thank you for helping us reach those others have forgotten.

Hands In The Community
Hands in the Community of Tulare and Kings County is a volunteer driven organization that serves those in need. They assist people in becoming self-sufficient and strive to help individuals and families to care for themselves. The majority of those we serve are low-income, children, families, disabled, at-risk youth, and elderly.

Iglesias del Oeste
Jim and Annie Culp are the founders and directors of Iglesias del Oeste. Iglesias del Oeste exists to advance the Gospel by training, equipping, mobilizing and caring for leaders who are transforming their communities, nations and the World. Currently, Iglesias del Oeste trains and equips leaders in 8 Spanish-speaking nations and has mobilized missionaries to 12 countries. Jim and Annie have been married nearly 30 years and have three kids; Daniel (married to Danielle), Benjamin (married to Sara) and Kate. For more information, or to donate, visit www.iglesiasdeloeste.com/donate.

KDDH Chaplains Ministry
Kaweah Delta Health Care District offers chaplain services such as baptism of infants, communion, pre-surgery prayer, contacting the respective pastor, priest, clergy, or to be someone to talk to about spiritual needs. Gateway is proud to support this ministry in our local hospital.

Lebanese National Alliance Church – Nabil & Mimi Khoury
Nabil and Mimi serve with International Messengers. They live in a southeastern suburb of Beirut. Nabil is on the pastoral committee of their local Alliance church. He also teaches part-time at the Christian Alliance Institute of Theology, a Bible school that trains young leaders from the Middle East and North Africa for ministry. Mimi is on the international disaster relief team roster for Samaritan’s Purse.

Living Water World Missions
Living Water World Missions is a non-profit organization located in Visalia, California existing to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in the context of installing sustainable water purification systems for communities in need. While our current ministry focus is in the Central American country of Guatemala, we are poised to install systems all around the world.

My Father's House
My Father's House is an organization that provides transitional living homes. People have the opportunity to live in community with other believers and get back on their feet.

Prime Ministries
PRIME Ministries was founded in January 2019 by Sean & Janelle Willeford. The Willeford's have a passion for training and discipleship in rural areas where resources and opportunity for theological studies are often limited. Our desire to provide training and discipleship in rural areas, to see God's people grow in their knowledge and understanding of Him, to see people added to the kingdom of God, and to leave a framework for ministry that will extend beyond our lifetime is what drives us.

Russian Missions
Pastor Sasha leads a church focused on evangelism, church planting and training leaders. Russian missions believes its task is to bring comfort with grace to the people of the Ukraine and Russia.

Santiago de Cuba – Pastor Daniel Morales
Pastor Daniel Morales leads a church in Santiago de Cuba. Pastor Morales works as a partner with Living Water World Missions and supports their ministry.

Salvation Army
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

Samaritans Purse
Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease and famine with the purpose of sharing God's love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Students International
Lizzie Garcia
We're passionate about seeing students and the poor transformed into the likeness of Christ and discover their true calling.

Trinity Ministries
Trinity Ministries Group has been providing spiritual, mental health, and personal growth resources to thousands of people in the San Joaquin Valley since 1993. We are an experienced group of counselors administering mental health services to individuals, groups, couples and families. TMg serves those who struggle with a multitude of life-altering issues from a trauma informed approach with the ultimate goal of health and healing.

Tulare Kings Right to Life
(TKRL) is a community benefit organization dedicated to reviving a culture where all human life is valued and protected. Educating the community on abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, and other actions that deny human dignity, we uphold and support the value of human life regardless of ability, age, ethnicity, religion, whether born or unborn.

Visalia Rescue Mission
Visalia Rescue Mission serves the poor and those in need in Central California with the love and power of the gospel of Christ, so they may become God-dependent and contributing members of this community.

Young Life
Young Life is a Christian Ministry that reaches out to middle school, high school and college students in all 50 of the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world. Their mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow.

Waycliffe Bible Translators
Wayne & Crystal McMaster joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 2018. They are part of the leadership team in Southeast Asia. In this role, they help to guide teams and oversee projects in scripture engagement, literacy and translation. Helping to lead such efforts certainly comes with its challenges, but their training and experience has prepared them well for the task.

We Kids – Ken Boone
Ken Boone (Mr. Nick) is a veteran broadcaster and the director of WE KIDS, a radio outreach and web ministry that points little people and their families to God through His Son, Jesus Christ.